• Policy brief: place-based policy
    Policy brief: place-based policy

    Place-based concepts for developing policy and investing in places are being implemented or proposed across a range of sectors. However, very few of these initiatives (if any) are taking place in the remote Outback communities of Australia. Place-based approaches are particularly important to Outback Australia because the social, economic, cultural, and environmental conditions faced by…


  • Policy brief: the environment
    Policy brief: the environment

    Maintaining the exceptional environment of the Outback is intertwined with maintaining socially and economically healthy Outback communities. Many of its nongovernment economic sectors – tourism, pastoralism, carbon farming and fisheries – depend on a healthy and attractive environment. In turn, maintenance of the Outback’s superlative landscapes requires active land management to control wildfires and eradicate…


  • Policy brief: land-based livelihoods
    Policy brief: land-based livelihoods

    Land-based livelihoods in the Outback include pastoralism, tourism and mining, including Indigenous enterprises, as well as supporting activities such as natural resource management services, and also smaller land-based activities such as local horticulture, aquaculture, bush food production, etc.  Together they contribute significantly to the national economy, and manage an enormous area of Australia on behalf…